Month: September 2011
Construct: Shivering Wing
HP: 1d6 Num: 1d4 Spd: 6 Dmg: 1d2 + 1d2 Def: 6 Soak: 12 CL: 1 A shivering wing is an animated construct, one of the most commonly found in the ruins of ancient craft-mages due to its relative simplicity and ease of construction; at that, it is such a relatively inoffensive thing that many…
Insectoid: Rik’sh
HP: 1d10 Num: 2d20 Spd: 4 Dam: 1d8 or 1d4 Def: 10 Soak: 8 CL: 3 Strange amalgamations of mantid and scorpion and human, the rik’sh stand some six to seven feet tall. Roughly humanoid, these “blade-men” are completely encased in glittering golden-black chitin from their smooth antennae-graced skulls to the long grasping toes on…