Burning Crosses

Hot on the heels of Two-Bit Thugs, the most powerful crime syndicate in Wellstone City, the Cross Clan is having some major internal issues. It seems that information relating to the family and its activities is making it to the police. They know there’s a lot of money changing hands, but the upper echelons of the Brothers Cross can’t find out from their own interrogations who is behind any part of this.

The party can either approach the situation as freelancers or as entry level thugs in the Cross Clan, depending on the preference of the GM or on the results of any previous adventures in Wellstone City. With the Cross family being ratted out and served to the police on silver platters, they are anxious to get the situation resolved, offering gear, assistance, cash, favors, and rank within their organization. Failure, however, is not an option, and once the mission is accepted, the party must complete it or they will suffer a fate most terrible at the hands of their employer.

This adventure is the third plot-point in the Wellstone City Chronicles. Not a straight assassination run as it was with Public Transit Assassins and Two-Bit Thugs, Burning Crosses allows the characters to develop and use their other skills during this investigative modern noir adventure.


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