Ingenium Easter Egg Hunt!

It’s come to our attention that there are a few problems with the Ingenium rulebook we just released on DriveThruRPG.

Since Silver Gryphon’s all about customer service, we’ve decided to turn this into a little contest.

Dig through the Ingenium rulebook. Tear it apart. Find all the problems – from minor typos to horrific mechanical errors – that you can, and send your list to us.

The people with the three longest lists will get a print copy of Ingenium (with all the problems corrected) free of charge. Not only that, but their copies will be signed by all three Silver Gryphon managers, AND they will be named in the special thanks section of the book!

You can send your list to us through one of the following ways:

* Email: [email protected]
* Email: [email protected]

Good hunting, and may the best critics win!

This contest ends December 31st, 11:59 PM.