Announcing the Ingenium Character Forge

While character creation in Ingenium is already pretty easy, there can be a lot of writing involved. Spell and Talent text needs to be recorded somewhere, and it’s often best to have it directly on the character sheet instead of making notes of page numbers.

To help that go faster, and to make it easier to create large numbers of first-level characters quickly, we’re going to be creating an online character creation tool for Ingenium. It’s called the Ingenium Character Forge, and the first public beta of it will be due out at the end of this year.

In addition to making character creation a breeze, the Character Forge will let players save their characters and track advancement and equipment. It will let you print out attractive character sheets, complete with the full text of all your character’s Talents, spells, and other abilities. You can even share your character builds with others!

We’re still deciding whether there will be a cost or not to use the Character Forge, and if there is, what it will be. You’re welcome to offer your comments and suggestions, and we’ll take them into consideration as we build it out.

Initial public beta will be closed to only a handful of people, so if you want one of those spots, please email me at [email protected]. Only the first five people will get a spot!

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